Strategic Thinking Facilitation

Fully facilitated strategy formulation and execution workshops based on our VALUE Method and supported by Bamboo X.

Useful For

Businesses with insufficient growth caused by changing market conditions, low internal understanding or poor execution.

What You Get

A winning, robust, thoughtful and unique-to-you strategy that the team is committed to and energised to implement. Stay ahead of market trends and disruptive competition.

Why We're Different

  • Full set of Bamboo Code's AI technology to cross-check human assumptions and inputs
  • Unique VALUE methodology
  • Proprietary, powerful and simple thinking concepts

How It Works

Form a group of 8-20 senior executives to work with us. Leverage our powerful facilitation, VALUE Method and Bamboo X platform. Includes AI-enabled Data Gathering (off-line), two facilitated workshops and 12 months of implementation using Bamboo X. Low monthly fee. Minimum 3 months commitment.

Bamboo X

Bamboozle acts as a facilitator within Bamboo X. He's equipped to ask questions, do analysis/synthesis and guide next steps, just like a regular consultant.

Useful For

Smaller management teams, smaller firms, or individual departments/units within a larger business. Or ... those that have an aversion to consultants for whatever reason :)

What You Get

A robust, well thought through, unique-to-you and winning strategy that the team are committed to and actually implement. New thinking, bamboozled competitors, fully realised potential and team cohesion.

Why We're Different

  • Bamboo X is the world's first AI-enabled Business Design Platform
  • Bamboozle as a guide and thoughtful agitator, not just a bunch of forms to fill in
  • Proprietary, powerful and simple thinking concepts

How It Works

Navigate your team through relevant aspects of your Business Canvas at your own pace. Use Bamboozle's ideas and inspirations to enhance your business. An option to engage Bamboo Code facilitators on a targeted basis if needed. Very low monthly fee with no minimum commitment.

Ad-Hoc and Sprints

Got a discrete problem or issue need help with? Want to conduct a specific piece of strategic analysis but don't have the time or budget to adopt a full process or engage an expensive consultant?

    Engage a Bamboo Code facilitator to conduct a "sprint" on:
  • A specific Topic of interest e.g. Use Cases of AI in your industry, Implications of Aging on your customers
  • Developing a clear look of the Future Environment facing you (e.g. trends, implications and responses)
  • Understanding and leveraging successes and failures
  • Analysing strengths and how they can continue to provide competitive advantage (or whether they can withstand future disruption)

Or simply start using Bamboo X today to do the exact same things by yourself. It's free to get started. Click here.